Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fern & Flora Wednesday: Market Season!

Holy crafting deadline Batman! The first handmade market of the season is a mere week and a half away! 
How is that possible!? 

Although there's plenty of work still to be done, I'm making headway. Feeling a bit under the weather and having the mister out of town for work (both things I'm not fond of) has given me lots of sofa time this week. Combine hours of Bravo and hours with my scissors and fabrics and what do you get? Surprising productivity!

For local folks, you'll most certainly want to check out the upcoming Horseshoe Market. It's gonna be fabulous! 
Check out the lovely Horseshoe website for more info.


  1. oh my goodness. Amazing. These are just beautiful! I am so excited!

  2. these are super pretty!
    thanks for stopping by-hope you're feeling better soon too ;)

  3. super pretty indeed!
    Don't be visiting me if you're feeling fed up!!!
    fee ♥


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