Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine Blooms

Here Valentine. Pick a virtual bouquet, won't you? 
I was poking around in a file this morning and found the raspberry colored bouquet just above from a wedding I did last fall. Then I thought "a floral valentine image board would be fun." So here you have a mish mash of appropriate colored blooms from arrangements I've made from here and here. I love the pink berries and red thistles and ranunculus. The ribbon on the peachy pink rose bouquet came from a vintage shop. Wish I had more of that. It would be perfect glued on a real Valentine. Wish I could send all of you a package of v-day goodies too, but these flowers will have to do! 


  1. You've got a good thing going on here. No wonder you are my favorite designer of such lovelies!


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