Friday, January 27, 2012

Mountain Weekend & Wintery Etsy Love

This weekend we're headed up to the mountains for a church retreat. It's not gonna be one of those annoying retreats where you have to bring a bunch of food and pay a bunch of money and spend time with a bunch of people you don't like. Nope. Bless our dear church, we don't pay a dime, meals are provided, the people will be fun and there's even ice skating and a bonfire tonight! My little (or not so little) preggo self won't be doing any ice skating but no doubt I will be taking in some cocoa by the fire. 

To inspire a cozy wintery weekend where ever you are, a give you a few more finds from Etsy: 

1 comment:

  1. that sounds like a lot of fun!

    thanks for stopping by and for the nice compliments-i love amelie :)
    have a great weekend!


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